Taking Lost Energy and Converting it to Useable Power
Compact, Small Scale Power with Zero Emissions
Featuring TAKEnergy Expander Technology

About Us

TAKEnergy was formed in 2021 by five Calgary business leaders who share a passion for manufacturing and implementing innovative green technologies. We believe in finding sustainable solutions that provide needed energy, while reducing our environmental impact.

Expander Technology
Expanders or Turbo Expanders have been used in industry since the early 1960’s. Thousands of units are in service around the world and the technology is well proven. Turbo Expanders will recover the energy which occurs as natural gas pressure is reduced. This energy, in the form of mechanical shaft power, will be used to drive a compressor or a generator to produce zero emission electricity. The team at TAKEnergy have experience working with several Turbo Expander manufacturers and can work with you to find the optimal solution for your unique needs. We offer three technology options for pressure reduction:

TAKEnergy Team
The five founders of TAKEnergy have over 150 years of experience in manufacturing, engineering, and sustainable energy systems. With North American and International market experience, we have the team to deliver economic and sustainable solutions for our clients.

James Cleland
Doug McNeill
Executive Advisor, Strategy & Marketing
T.M. Gunderson
Executive Advisor, Engineering & Technology
Chester Nagy
Executive Advisor, Manufacturing & Finance
Jeff Litster
Executive Advisor, Manufacturing & Engineering