Industries We Serve

At TAKEnergy, we’re revolutionizing energy recovery across multiple sectors. Our innovative expander technology captures energy typically wasted in pressure reduction processes, converting it into clean, usable power—all without disrupting your existing operations.

From natural gas and refrigeration to various industrial processes, we’re helping companies transform necessary pressure reductions into opportunities for significant energy savings and sustainability improvements.

Our technology is particularly suited for:

Natural Gas Distribution

• Midstream operations: Energy recovery at pressure reduction stations

• Utilization of power for facility infrastructure, offsetting grid requirements

Large-Volume Gas Users

• Power generation from pressure reduction for commercial and industrial buildings

• Offset grid consumption and advance corporate sustainability goals

Oil and Gas

• Upstream: Power generation at remote well sites, replacing methane-venting actuators

• Midstream: Energy recovery along pipelines and at compressor stations

Industrial Processes

• Energy recovery from pressure letdown in various manufacturing processes

• Improved sustainability and reduced operational costs


• Energy recovery in large-scale refrigeration systems

• Improved overall system efficiency

Chemical Processing

• Energy recovery from process gas pressure reduction

• Enhanced efficiency in various chemical production processes

Power Generation

• Clean power production from existing pressure reduction processes

• Reliable energy source for remote or off-grid facilities

Our power range is tailored to common industrial flow rates, opening doors for energy recovery in operations previously overlooked by larger systems. Whether you’re looking to reduce emissions, cut costs, or generate remote power, TAKEnergy has the solution.

Ready to transform your pressure reduction into power? Contact Us today to learn how TAKEnergy can revolutionize your energy efficiency.